• This business is run by just me. Every order is curated and packaged by me, which means that shipping times may vary. I do my best to post the current shipping times in the banner at the top of every page. But you will receive an email when your order has been shipped

  • Unfortunately, we do not accept refunds or cancellations. I do my best to ensure that products are of the highest standard and packaged with care. If you have questions, you can email me at

  • What size is A5?

    The A5 pages are 5.83” x 8.27”

    The A5 Daisy Binders are 9.5” x 7.5”

    What size is A6?

    The A6 envelopes are 5.25” x 3.75”

    What size is A7?

    The A7 envelopes are 5.25” x 3.75”

  • Most items in the shop are either fully or partially handmade. Cash Envelopes + Savings Challenges are completely handmade, and all planners and Writing Bibles© are hole punched by hand. So while I do my best to ensure that all products are of the highest quality, I can’t guarantee perfection.

    Please only order these products if you’re okay with this.

Ask Rachel

If you have any questions about products, books, or writing that I haven’t answered, please feel free to put your questions in the box below and I’ll do my best to answer!