Frequently asked questions

  • This business is run by just me. Every order is curated and packaged by my two hands, which means that shipping times may vary. I do my best to post the current shipping times in the banner at the top of every page. But you will receive an email when your order has been shipped (though sometimes it goes to junk mail or promotions, so be sure to check there!)

  • Unfortunately, we do not accept refunds or cancellations. I do my best to ensure that products are of the highest standard and packaged with care. If you have questions, you can email me at

  • Will I do custom cash envelopes again?

    Unfortunately, no. I love being able to offer them to people, but the stress of making them by hand and trying to get them as perfect as possible for customers was just too much for me. I am, however, making a video on how to make your own cash envelopes at home. (It’s not so bad once you get the hang of it, and the materials are cheaper than ordering envelopes from a shop!)

    Will seasonal dashboards be available all year?

    Yes! None of my dashboards are restricted to being available at only certain seasons. So long as people buy things, I will keep them in stock!

  • Most items in the shop are partially handmade, needing to be hole punched, corner rounded, or cut by me. And while I do my best to ensure that all products are of the highest quality, I can’t guarantee perfection.

    Please only order these products if you’re okay with this.

Ask Rachel

If you have any questions about products, books, or writing that I haven’t answered, please feel free to put your questions in the box below and I’ll do my best to answer! (Include your email address if you’d like me to respond)